Friday, January 11, 2019

英語表現演習4 (金・土): Final presentation final post・期末発表最後のポスト


How are you? Here is the final post for all of you on some extra final guidelines for your final presentations next week. 

The picture above is an example of a summary in engineering (工学). Look at each part of it. 

The first part gives you a background to the topic. The next part shows a little more focus why the topic is important and worth presenting about. The last sentence shows exactly what the presenter will show in your presentation

Final guidelines

These guidelines are very important and will not change. Please read and check these carefully! 

1. Please come with your group members at your group's correct time schedule on time! Do not be late!

If you are more than 10 minutes late for your group - you cannot do the presentation, and you will get a zero for the presentation assignment. There will be no makeup (補講), so you really have to be here. 

2. Please be 100% ready with your finished summary, finished outline, and presentation display

Bring your own laptop computer or tablet with you if you're doing a digital display like Power Point or Key Note. Make sure your battery is charged up to 100% or close to it. Back your display up on a USB.

3. When you are checking your group members' presentations, check them honestly! I will take up to 20 points off your own presentation score if you are a lazy checker!

*New note - here is a screenshot of the evaluation form that all of you will use to evaluate each others' presentations (look at this on a computer or make the screenshot larger on your smartphones to see the details more clearly):

Here is an example of how one student would mark her evaluation form for the other three members of her group on the day of the presentations (again - look at this on a computer or make the shot larger on your smartphone to see it more clearly) :

So the others would mark her presentation when it is her time to present in the same way, and so on.  

I will make an average (平均) of your presentation scores by your group members' checking to show a final spoken presentation score average for you.

About final presentation assignment grading

These final presentations are 40% of your whole final grade for the class. You can get a maximum of:

20% - for your spoken presentation score average 

20% - for your summary and outline

So all together, this complete assignment is the spoken presentation, the summary and the outline, and is worth a maximum of 40%

That is why next week is very important

*New extra special note for the Saturday 2nd period English Expression 4 class: I will give every one of you an additional, free 5% bonus towards your final grade because I had to inconveniently cancel the classes I did and re-arrange the syllabus this semester. 

Once again, I'm very sorry about these cancellations!

Special recommendation 

Now that you have selected your groups, I recommend that you get together outside of class and practice your presentations with each other using only your outlines

Remember that each person is presenting for around 5-6 minutes on the presentation day, so you should prepare something that could take you to that time - but Q&A during your presentation from your group members is okay and will help you!  

Check the paper handouts I have given you about outlines again. Remember - keywords and phrases only! In addition - do not use your summaries as notes to read from! 

The topic itself is more important than the words. The words will come to you if you have a good summary that makes it clear to you what your topic is and what you will present about it, and an outline with keywords and phrases that are organized hints for the ideas and details on what you talk about. 

I have to be strict about how the presentations will go because I want to see all of you do the best work you can do, and pass the class!

Good luck! See you at your time schedule with your group members next week!

Image: Personal photograph. All rights reserved.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

英語表現演習2 (金): Final review game board exam instructions・期末テスト「ボードゲーム」の説明

Happy New Year!

How are you? I hope you had a great New Year's break! 

Today I will post here the instructions (説明) about our final review exam. As I've said in class, it will be in the form of a board game

I hope this will be an interesting way to take a test for all of you! 

I wasn't sure what the best way was to show you how to play this game - so I wrote out the instructions by hand and scanned them, then uploaded them here. This is (I hope!) a way to save time and paper, and something you could look at anytime on your Smartphone.

First - this is what the board will look like. It will be on A3-sized paper:

You will notice 14 playing squares - seven (7) black squares, and seven (7) white squares, with the start square and the goal in gray. This board will be for the two (2) game pieces that two (2) players will play on

The 14 squares will be for the questions that both players will ask each other. The arrows show the directions the players will move their game pieces around on when they answer the questions correctly.

Now let's take a look at the steps in the board game!

Here is what the score sheet looks like: 

(It's small on the scan shot, but you'll see it more clearly on paper next week!)

I hope this is okay for all of you! Take a look at these steps - look at them as many times as you want or need. We'll play this next week (1/18) in our last class for the review exam!

New! Here is a shot from today of some important board notes. Please look at these! 

So good luck! See you next week!

Images: By David Lapetina - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Other images - personal scans. All rights reserved.