Thursday, April 25, 2019

英語表現演習1 (金 3・4限): More on greenbelts・グリーンベルトのこと続いて


How are you? Today let's look more at greenbelts

Look at the picture above. It's of Ottawa by air. Ottawa is the 
capital (首都) of Canada. The map below shows the greenbelt system of Ottawa:

Here's a map of where Ottawa is in Canada

These questions go with our discussion circle about the CD listening on casting doubtAre you ready?

Leader questions

For the summarizer:
Are you ready to summarize the reading/CD talk? (Can you give us your summary of the reading/CD talk?) 

For the detail master:
1. What is the purpose of greenbelts?
2. Where are they set up? 
3. What impact on the air does the reading say they have? 
    * How about what the lecturer on the CD said? 
4. What impact on growth does it say they have? 
    * How about what the lecturer on the CD said? 
(Leaders: Think of 1-2 more questions of your own to ask the details master!)

For the vocabulary master:   
      What does grassy mean?
      What does provide mean?
      What is a state government?
      What is a suburb?
      (Leaders: Think of 1-2 more words of your own to ask the vocabulary master!)

Work together on this. Have fun!

Images: Top - by Shanta Rohse - originally posted to Flickr as Hot Air Ballon ride, CC BY 2.0, of Ottawa - by Earl Andrew - Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons., Public Domain, of Canada - By Nzeemin - ETOPO1 for relief and bathymetryGSHHS 
dataset for coastline and riversFile:Canada location map.svg for borders; by Yug and STyxOwn workThis map was created with GMT.
This PNG graphic was created with Inkscape., CC BY-SA 3.0,

英語表現演習3 (金 2限): Ferrous & nonferrous metals ・ 第一鉄 ・非鉄金属


How are you? Today, let's look at ferrous and nonferrous metals. The picture above is of some chunks of iron - the basis of all ferrous metals

In the pictures below you will see some examples of things with different types of metals. First, which metals are these things made of? Secondly, are the metals ferrous, or non-ferrous

Talk about these and make guesses with a partner! 


Temple lantern

Antique bathroom set

Industrial tubing

Olympic medal

Nuclear power plant bricks



Drink can

What were your guesses? 

Have a great Golden Week!

Images: Top - by Alchemist-hp (talk) ( - Own work, FAL, kettle - by Hardyplants - Own work, CC0, iron temple lantern - by Yanajin33 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, bathroom set - by Shakko - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, steel tubes -  by Libowei111 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, medal - by Image:Gary AbrahamMedal design: Giuseppe Cassioli (1865-1942) - Contact us/Photo submission, CC BY-SA 3.0, nuclear power plant bricks - by Changlc - Own work, Public Domain, bars - by Agnico-Eagle - Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited, CC0, coins - by W. Oelen -, CC BY-SA 3.0, can – by Marcos André –, CC By 2.0,

Friday, April 19, 2019

英語表現演習3 (土 2限): Beginning understanding genetics・遺伝学の初めて理解


How are you? Today, to go with our first reading from our 4/20 class, here is a short and funny, but informative animated video, about genetics (遺伝学). 

While you may understand the basic building blocks of genetics, this video may show it in a simple yet effective way. 

Watch this video and take some notes. What might be the most important points the video makes? 

Imagine that you have to explain about genetics to someone who doesn't know much about it. Based on this video, how would you explain it? What kinds of things would you say? 

You can use easy English for this - in fact, the easier, the better! 

I hope you enjoy this! 

NEW! Here are the board notes for the 4/20 class:

See you next week! 

Image: By Darekk2 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Video uploaded from YouTube. I do not own the rights to the video or the content within. All rights reserve to the copyright holder(s). Uploaded for classroom purposes only.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

英語表現演習e (金 5限): Describing & characterizing people & places ・人物、場所の描写、性格


How are you? Today let's look at how to describe and characterize people and places!

Look at the following pictures of people and places. How would you describe them? Are they old? New? Crowded

How would you characterize them? For example, is a person or people young and happy? Is a neighborhood old but safe? Can you build on your descriptions and characterizations as well? For example:

These two young women are classmates, and look very happy with each other. They are good friends and do many things together

Try these with a partner - then write down what your description and characterization is! 

Have fun with this! 

NEW! Here are the board notes for the class for 4/19:

See you next time!

Images: Top, two young women, woman on boat, and house - personal photographs/Sunset - "Beautiful Sunset" (courtesy of - "Arromanches" by Bulo78 - Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0, via Wikimedia Commons/People - (from Flickr) Holi Festival of Colors 2013 by Steven Gerner, CC BY-SA 2.0,
All rights reserved on personal photographs. 

英語表現演習1 (金 3・4限): National parks ・ 国際・国立公園


How are you? Today, let's look at national parks (国際・国立公園) in different countries

The picture above is from the Joushinetsu Kougen, in the area bordering Niigata, Gunma, and Nagano prefectures. But did you know that it is a national park? It's the Joushinetsu Kougen National Park. Have you ever been there? If you have been there, then you have been to a national park.

Do you know where these places are? These are pictures from national parks in different countries. Can you guess which countries they are in? 

Talk about these places with your classmates! What are some things you think you could see or do in these places? 






Discussion circles
In the discussion circlesgo through these questions with your group members about the CD listening

Leader questions
For the summarizer:
Are you ready to summarize the reading/CD talk? (Can you give us your summary of the reading/CD talk?) 

For the details master:
1. What is the purpose of national parks?
2. Where are they created? 
3. Which country created the first national park? 
    * When was it created? 
4. Which country created the first national park service? 
    * When was it created? 
(Leaders: Think of 1-2 more questions of your own to ask the details master!)

For the vocabulary master:
What does conservation mean? 
What does IUCN stand for? 
What is a hot spring
What is a population
(Leaders: Think of 1-2 more words from the listening or textbook to ask the vocabulary master!)

Have fun! 

NEW! Here are the board notes for the class for 4/19

See you next time! 

Images: Top - by Jun Takeuchi, CC BY 2.0, By Ji-Elle - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, By Yakuzakorat - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, By Mario Roberto Duran Ortiz Mariordo - Own work, CC BY 3.0, 4. By Jaganjac - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, By Ansgar Walk - photo taken by Ansgar Walk, CC BY 2.5,