Friday, June 28, 2019

英語表現演習1 (金 3・4限): Notes & reminders on spring semester final presentations・前学期末発表の付記・備忘


How are you? Above are the board notes for our classes today on 6/28

Here are some more notes for all of you. These are reminders for all of you about what you can do

Themes & topic reminders & notes

Click on this link here for a refresher about last week's post about the spring semester final presentations.

Note about your theme and topic choices, and choose which one is most interesting for you. Look at the each of the textbook units we have done since the mid-term presentations. We have done the one about the Industrial Revolution, a little last week about aquaculture, and a little this week on the Tenerife accident. There is one textbook unit left on the syllabus - the one about photosynthesis

On the last page of each of these textbook units, you will see some topic ideas you could use. Any one of them could be a basis for a presentation, so if you cannot think of any ideas, you could use one of these. 

While the photosynthesis unit is on next week's schedule, we do not have to do it. If it is to your interest, however, and you have a topic you want to do that connects with it, you could do it on your own - including listening to the CD tracks about it and doing the parts of it in the textbook that are most important. 

The vocabulary is very important. Look at your notes about the vocabulary you have gathered up about the Industrial Revolution, aquaculture, and the Tenerife accident, as well as look ahead about photosynthesis - if it is to your interest. 

As the board notes say - come to class next week with a computer or tablet (if you have one). Be ready to do some work in class.  

I have noted down the dates you have said you would like to present on. Please remember that you have to be committed to those dates. If you have to change the dates - please tell me no later than next week (7/5)!

See you next week!

Image: Personal photograph. All rights reserved. 

英語表現演習3 (金 2限): Summary writing & notes・要約の書いて・付記


How are you? Above are the board notes for our class today on 6/28

As I mentioned in class today, here are some notes for all of you about summary writing. In addition to writing an original outline, you will also write a summary about what your presentation topic is. 

If you would like a quick reminder about the final presentation topic without searching around for last week's blogpost, click here

Special note:

Please also remember that we have two (2) dates to present - 7/12 and 7/19 - and think about which date you want to present on. Please remember that you have a choice - but that you must be committed to the date you choose!

About summaries
A good summary has a short background about the topic, with a tighter focus towards the end of the background. Then it goes into the focus of the topic itself, sometimes with an additional comment about something unique, or else of note about it. 

Finally, it should show in a statement what the presentation will be about.

Examples of presentation summaries
Here are two (2) examples of presentation summaries. Look at these and notice the idea development and language used in them.

Here is one example of a good presentation summary:
Portable audio technology is now common, but the history of this technology in the form we know is not so long. The Walkman, which Sony introduced in 1979, created the market for portable stereo audio technology. This presentation shall look at the development of the Walkman, and some unique aspects of the engineering that went into it, and where the technology of the digital version now is.

So let’s break this one down into its parts.

Background to the topic:
Portable audio technology is now common, but the history of this technology in the form we know is not so long.

Focus on the topic:
The Walkman, which Sony introduced in 1979, created the market for portable stereo audio technology.

Statement on what the presentation will be about:
This presentation shall look at the development of the Walkman, and some unique aspects of the engineering that went into it, and where the technology of the digital version now is.

Each of these moves are then brought together to make the summary.

Now here is another example. This is a highly technical one - perhaps very advanced for all of you. But if you are interested in highly technical topics, here is a model for you. So take a look at this one:

Waymo took over Google’s Self-Driving Car research in 2016. While it has further developed the work in this area from Google, self-driving cars still have a number of technical issues, particularly with route programming, that make their reliability uncertain. This presentation focuses on the driving situations where programming problems occur, and what issues Waymo needs to solve to effectively market fully reliable self-driving cars.

Let’s break this one down into its parts.

Background to the topic:
Waymo took over Google’s Self-Driving Car research in 2016. While it has further developed the work in this area from Google, …

Focus on the topic:
…self-driving cars still have a number of technical issues, particularly with route programming, that make their reliability uncertain. 

Focus on what the presentation will be about:

This presentation focuses on the driving situations where programming problems occur, and what issues Waymo needs to solve to effectively market fully reliable self-driving cars.

Once again - if you wish to go into big technical details, an example like this one - or one perhaps involving robotics, or something that has lots of technical detail - would be good for you.

I'm very sorry that out time has become so tight! But I hope this helps you with summary writing

See you next week! Don't forget to bring a computer or tablet if you have one - if you don't - bring your smartphone and a notebook! 

See you then!

Image: Personal photograph. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

英語表現演習e (金 5限): Final presentations・期末発表


How are you? Here are the topics, deadline, & guidelines for our final presentations.

Before we start, here are the board notes from our class today on 6/28:

Now here are the board notes from our class last week on 6/21

Now let's look at the final presentation assignment!

Themes & topics 
Here are your choice of themes & topics. They're based on what we've done so far in class since our mid-term presentations. You can choose one (1) of these: 
  • A currency from another country or alternatives to money (such as credit, debit, or cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin) 
  • Survival skills in travel or difficult situations
  • A work of art such as a painting, sculpture, woodblock print, or such (with a little background about the artist, the artist's country or culture, and the feeling you get from the artist's work) 
Deadlines (締め切り)
Your presentations will be on two (2) dates - July 12th (7/12) and July 19th (7/19), so you have 3-4 weeks to prepare them. Half the class will present on 7/12, while the other half of the class will present on 7/19

Important note:

You can select which day you want to present on - but once you choose your date, you are committed to that datePlease be ready on your day to present.

1. As we did before with the mid-term presentations, prepare a rough draft (下書き) of a summary (要約) about the topic you want to present on. The summary rough draft will be due next week (来週).

2. Be ready for me to review your progress next week. As we also did before, I will require that you practice your presentation in-class. You can practice with me and/or other group of students.

3. Finalize your presentation outside of class and be ready to present on the day of your class!

Good luck with these! I’ll look forward to seeing your great presentations!

Bring a computer or tablet to class if you have one. The class on 7/5 will be an open class time where you can prepare your presentation and try out a short practice.

See you next week!

Images: Top - by Martin E. Walder - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, notes - personal photographs. All rights reserved.

英語表現演習1 (金 3・4限): Tenerife airliner disaster・テネリフェ空港ジャンボ機衝突事故


How are you? Today, let's look at the Tenerife airport disaster (テネリフェ空港ジャンボ機衝突事故) in 1977. Have you ever heard about it? If you haven't - then today you'll find out!

The map above shows where it happened - on the island of Tenerife, in the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. The Canary Islands are controlled by Spain

Below are two (2) maps of where the Canary Islands are in the Atlantic Ocean

Watch the video below. It is a re-creation of the accident

If you go to YouTube at this link, you can turn on Japanese subtitles (字幕if you need them. 

As you watch, make notes about each step of events that led to the accident

Watch the video as many times as you want or need. What do you see that happened? How do you think it could have been prevented? 

When you are finished, explain what happened to your classmates, based on what you watched plus your notes. 

Discussion circles
Here are the questions for the leaders for our discussion circles.

Leader questions
For the summarizer:
Are you ready to summarize the reading/CD talk? (Can you give us your summary of the reading/CD talk?)

For the details master:
1. Where is Tenerife Island located?
2. Which two airlines’ planes were involved in the accident?
3. Why were the planes at this smaller airport instead of the larger one?
4. Describe as best you can what happened in the accident.
(Leaders: Think of 1-2 more details to ask the details master!) 

For the vocabulary master:
What is aviation?
What does it mean to accelerate?
What is fog?

What are fatalities?
(Leaders: Think of 1-2 more words to ask the vocabulary master!) 

See you next time!

Images: Top – screenshot taken from of Canary Islands in Atlantic & near Morocco  screenshots taken from &
Video uploaded from YouTube. All rights reserved to the copyright holder(s). I do not own the rights to this video. Uploaded for classroom purposes only.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

英語表現演習3 (土 2限): Spring semester final assignment・期末発表


Here is our spring semester final presentation and writing assignment.  

Topics & task
Here are your choice of topics. They're based on what we've done so far in class from the textbook since the mid-term (中間). You can choose one (1) of these: 
  • Genetic modification in food and plants or traits in humans 
  • Ethical and legal issues of DNA application 
  • Genetic facts, traits, and behaviors of certain animals  
  • Medical possibilities and/or ethical issues in cloning
1. Prepare rough drafts of a summary (要約) and a basic outline (あらすじ) for the presentationfollowing the guidelines from the handouts I will give you about outlining, about the topic you want to present on. 

The rough summary will be due on July 6th (7/6). The rough outline will be due July 13th (7/13).

2. On the presentation day, you will hand in final drafts of both the summary and the outline about your presentation topic.

Some starting resources

Instead of a separate supporting blogpost, I have decided to include some links to TED Talks here as some starting sources of information and research. 

You should do your own research, so please search around for more resources of your own - TED Talks you have searched out on your own, YouTube videos, Japanese or English websites on biological science or biotechnology, and such. But these links could help you get started on your research.

Each one of these talks come with Japanese subtitles (字幕) and both English and Japanese transcripts of the talks if you need them. 

Important note: 

Do not copy anything word-for-word from the transcripts! You can point to things a speaker says in a talk, but please do not plagiarize (盗作して) any of the content. 

Genetic modification in food and plants or traits in humans:

Nina Tandon – Could tissue engineering mean personalized medicine? 
Click on this link here for this TED Talk.

Dean Ornish – Your genes are not your fate 

Click on this link here.

Ethical and legal issues of DNA research:

Ellen Jorgensen – What you need to know about CRISPR 
Click on this link here.    

Keolu Fox – Why genetic research must be more diverse 
Click on this link here.

Genetic facts, traits, and behaviors of certain animals:

Tony Buffington – Why do cats act so weird?
Click on this link here. 

Prosanta Chakrabarty – Clues to prehistoric times, found in blind cavefish 

Click on this link here.

Medical possibilities and/or ethical issues in cloning:

Richard Resnick – Welcome to the genomic revolution 
Click on this link here. 

A note about this last link: It is not directly about cloning, but the possibilities Resnick discusses in his talk may have an impact on cloning research.

NEW - Presentation tips and hints
Here is a short and funnybut important video on good and bad presentation tips and hintsWatch this one! If you need support, or have trouble watching it here, go to this link here. 

Deadline (締め切り
We will do the presentations on July 20th (7/20), so you have over one (1) month to prepare these. 

Special note: 
In your speaking and writing, use some of the vocabulary that you have seen and learned from the textbook, though you are not limited to only vocabulary from those units. 

Once again – you cannot use a written composition as a script for your presentation!

Here are the board notes for our class on 6/29:

Finally - here are the board notes for our class on 6/22:

Good luck! I look forward to seeing, and reading about, your choices of topics. 

Image: Top - by Jim Peaco; Photo has been cropped for article purposes by ZeWrestler - [1], Public Domain, notes - personal photograph. All rights reserved.