Student presentation poster gallery/生徒達のプレゼンテーションポスターギャラリー


Welcome to the first student work page! This is a gallery of student presentation posters in some different classes I taught from 2012 to the present.

On this page I will show examples of great and interesting work students have done in their classes for presentations. 

Please look at this page anytime! For students - I hope it will give you ideas on what you can do in your own presentations. Look and enjoy!

Speaking classes presentation posters/スピーキングクラスプレゼンテーションポスターズ

The first group of posters is on the topic of the most important things to students themselves - about their lives, health and happiness.

Here are some examples of posters on students' favorite places to go, and traveling.

Here is a collection of posters on students' hopes for the future:

Now here's a group of posters that tell stories

Survival English presentation posters/サバイバルイングリッシュプレゼンテーションポスターズ

Here is a collection of posters from the Survival English class (as of April 2015, this class will no longer be offered in the ECA program at Seigakuin. It will be replaced by a similar, but as of yet unnamed class).  

Here is a close-up shot of one part of the poster above: 

Here is one from a student who grew up in the U.S., with close-ups of parts of the poster: 

Early childhood education English communication class presentation posters/児童英語コミュニケーション

In 2012, I was asked to teach an early childhood English communication class outside of ECA. This class has normally been taught by tenured professors, but due to one professor's sabbatical plus some scheduling conflicts involving another professor who had taught it before, I was asked to teach it for one semester. 

It was a great class to teach, and instead of a final exam, I had the students make presentation posters on different topics connected to early childhood education. Here are some examples of posters they made. 

I will add more student work as I go along. Keep checking this page! 

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