How are you? Today I will post here the instructions (説明) about our final review exam. As I've said in class, it will be in the form of a board game.
I hope this will be an interesting way to take a test for all of you!
I wasn't sure what the best way was to show you how to play this game - so I wrote out the instructions by hand and scanned them, then uploaded them here. This is (I hope!) a way to save time and paper, and something you could look at anytime on your Smartphone.
First - this is what the board will look like. It will be on A3-sized paper:
You will notice 14 playing squares - seven (7) black squares, and seven (7) white squares, with the start square and the goal in gray. This board will be for the two (2) game pieces that two (2) players will play on.
The 14 squares will be for the questions that both players will ask each other. The arrows show the directions the players will move their game pieces around on when they answer the questions correctly.
Now let's take a look at the steps in the board game!
Here is what the score sheet looks like:
(It's small on the scan shot, but you'll see it more clearly on paper next week!)
I hope this is okay for all of you! Take a look at these steps - look at them as many times as you want or need. We'll play this next week (7/27) in our last class for the review exam!
See you then!
Images: Top - unattributed copyright-free image from Apple stock image library. Other images - personal scans. All rights reserved.