Friday, July 6, 2018

英語表現演習3 (金): Final presentation & writing assignment supplementary notes・期末発表・作文の付記


How are you? As you can see above, here are the board notes about today's class and the schedule for our final weeks of the semester

About displays
Here are the notes on displays:

One important tip: 
Your displays - either posters or Power Point - should be mostly visual, without much written text. The presentation is to be spoken, not read from notes or from the text on the display!

About summary writing
Because my board note about summaries was too light as it came out on my smartphone camera, but was too dark even after I adjusted the photograph, I have made some better notes about summary writing here. (My apologies about the board notes!)

Here is one example of a good summary:

Portable audio technology is now commonplace, but the history of this technology in the form we know is not so long. The Walkman, which Sony introduced in 1979, created the market for portable stereo audio technology. This presentation shall look at the development of the Walkman, and some unique aspects of the engineering that went into it.

A good summary has a short background about the topic, with a tighter focus towards the end of the background. Then it goes into the focus of the presentation itself, sometimes with an additional comment about something unique, or else of note about the topic. Let’s look at this:

Background to the topic:
Portable audio technology is now commonplace, but the history of this technology in the form we know is not so long.

Focus on the topic:
The Walkman, which Sony introduced in 1979, created the market for portable stereo audio technology.

Focus on what the presentation will be about:
This presentation shall look at the development of the Walkman, and some unique aspects of the engineering that went into it.

Each of these moves are then brought together to make the summary.

Here is another example:
Waymo is a company that took over Google’s Self-Driving Car research in 2016. While it has further developed the work in this area from Google, self-driving cars still have a number of technical issues, particularly with route programming, that make their reliability uncertain at present. This presentation focuses on the driving situations where programming problems occur, and what issues Waymo needs to solve to effectively built and sell reliable self-driving cars.

Think of a summary as a statement of purpose (SOP). Look at these points once again. So...

Background to the topic:
Waymo is a company that took over Google’s Self-Driving Car research in 2016. While it has further developed the work in this area from Google, … 

Focus on the topic:
…self-driving cars still have a number of technical issues, particularly with route programming, that make their reliability uncertain at present.

Focus on what the presentation will be about:
This presentation focuses on the driving situations where programming problems occur, and what issues Waymo needs to solve to effectively built and sell reliable self-driving cars.

I hope the board notes above, plus these notes on summaries, can help you. Next week, I'll come in with some notes about the writing part of your assignment to go with the presentation.

Good luck - and I'll look forward to seeing all of you next week!

Images: Personal photographs. All rights reserved. 

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