Thursday, June 21, 2018

英語表現演習3 (金): Ergonomic design・人間工学「エルゴノミクス」


How are you? Today we'll look at ergonomics (人間工学) and ergonomic design - the concept of designing work spaces, equipment, products, as well as making accessibility, around the best ways that people could safely and comfortably use and deal with things. 

Look at the picture at the top. It's a chart showing the best way in which people can sit and work at a computer station comfortably and productively. But how many people actually  sit this way at their workplaces? 

Take a look at the pictures below. How would people best use these things in ways that would be comfortable, safe, and productive? 

Look at these scissors. You see at the top part of the picture a pair of regular scissors, and under them a pair of ergonomic scissors. You see the thumb hole of the ergonomic scissors are thicker than regular scissors. Why is this? 

As you can see in the picture, there's a drawing showing why. People's thumbs are thicker than their other fingers, so it makes sense for the thumb hole to be thicker so people can fit their thumbs in the hole more tightly. That way they can handle and control the scissors better. 

You can also see that in the drawing, there's an idea to have the other hole with the other fingers have a design following the shape of closed-up fingers so that the fingers can fit in the handle better. 

This is an example of ergonomic design as it would work for a thing everybody uses - scissors. 

So look at these other pictures of ergonomic design. Why are they designed the way they are? Talk about these with your classmates and guess some reasons why these designs might be better than regular designs of these things. 

Discuss the details of their functions if there are things about them that you can change or adjust anything about them too!

I hope these are interesting for you. Have fun with these!

See you next time!

Images: Top - screenshot taken from – screenshot taken from keyboard - screenshot taken from - screenshot taken from - screenshot taken from desk - screenshot taken from 
No copyright infringement intended. All rights reserved to copyright holders, designers, and advertisers of products. Screenshots of images uploaded for classroom purposes only. 

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